Eglise du Très-Saint-Sacrement

  • Cathedrals, churches and abbeys
96 rue Decarnin, rue Philadelphie, 59000 Lille
The Très-Saint-Sacrement church was built in 1904 on a plot of land bordering the rue de Philadelphie. Once the structural work was completed, the interior fittings were entrusted to Delgutte, who built the vaults, dressed the columns, and made the communion benches and baptismal font. The inauguration took place on December 8, 1908. The church underwent a number of transformations under successive parish priests. On June 22, 1944, the 1757th day of the Second World War, a bomb completely...


Eglise du Très-Saint-Sacrement
96 rue Decarnin, rue Philadelphie, 59000 Lille
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