Pagode Laotienne Wat Lao Bouddhaviharn

  • Cathedrals, churches and abbeys
214 boulevard de Strasbourg, 59100 Roubaix
Roubaix is home to a large number of religious buildings, including churches, mosques and five pagodas: a Cambodian pagoda, a Thai pagoda, a Vietnamese pagoda, a mixed international pagoda and a Lao pagoda.
Founded by the Lao Buddhist Association of Northern France in 2014, the Wat lao Pagoda BouddhaViharn is a fascinating place. As you enter, you are greeted by two dragons framing the door. Inside the prayer hall, large prayer rugs face the altar, which features various Buddha statues...


Pagode Laotienne Wat Lao Bouddhaviharn
214 boulevard de Strasbourg, 59100 Roubaix
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