Musée de la Cité d'Ercan

  • Museums and places of interest
Place de l'église, 59193 Erquinghem-Lys
This exceptional museum will tell you more about the surprising history of this small village of less than five thousand souls. The three halls of the Museum of the City of Ercan plunge you into three eras of the village. The oldest dates back to 1347, during the battle between the Flemish and the French, to which various relics bear witness. A reproduction of Montigny's 1603 work then presents the village as it was then. The museum also celebrates the memory of war heroes such as Raymonde...
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Qualité TourismeQualité Tourisme


Musée de la Cité d'Ercan
Place de l'église, 59193 Erquinghem-Lys
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